
I Just Can't Drop It

I Just Can't Drop It

Finally ,my conclusion is :People should not be given  too much choices.

When I got bored of lots of free blog sites ,even many of which are quite well with sufficent blog functions,I decides to buy a payed space to set up my own blog ,but things don't take on my  way.First,I built 2 blogs ,respectively bblog and wordpress,and I planned it well .Wp's blog will be my main blog site for quite formal things i want to log,and another which was designed to be a rather old-times style will be my daily dirts container.But I like my past blog at blogspot!!So after a few weeks ,I picked here up and tranfer the log to my space ,avoiding awful  access problem(also why i left here few weeks ago.)

So I'm back!!A weido with 3 blog now!God bless me to have enough things to write.

BTW:I will use WB Editor to write my log on this one, considering it's code supporting problem ,I will use my poor Eng to writer here,just take it as an Eng Exercise.KAKAKA...  


My New Blog

I moved my blog to a personal website .
Here is the address:http://kelet.512j.com
So find me there.


Amusing me

I took a big and amusing mistake last week.I thought that 15th is the Monday of this week,and cos we have a party of the junior classmates scheduled at Nov.12th .So ....I just took a long  time subway to the place only to find nobody was there.Then i came to realize the mistake ...imagzing how frustrating i'm at that time.So i called waggle ,my best girl friend to join me in the shopping (just like retorsion to myself).BTW:i bought 2 pairs of shoes this weekend...and four-colors eye shadow and a pink one ...I'm an unplanned person,I know...


Picutre used for our blog head

the background of the blog named We are..



今天重新想起来,发现还是能再组合一下的。其实这几个字的组合中天使的面孔和天使的身材,魔鬼的面孔和魔鬼的身材都是可以忍耐的,毕竟有好的一面。但是, 但是谁说魔鬼就一定苗条了。。。他要是个大胖子呢?那么也许就不那么恐怖了吧。这么说来胖人一般都很和善啦?!回到前面的话上去,那么胖子就是很有天使像 啦?


Beautiful Day

Drinking a bottle of milk,and little sun is hanging in the sky.I'm hanging around.Life takes a different look.Without any anxiety and painful thought,try another way to live as you like at anytime.
Water the plant ,make up yourself,perfect young face.
Pile up the books and sign your name beautifully.
Always looking forward  to a new story



反正就是心情还不错(中午饭欲极佳,吃了一大碗面,一个苹果,一个奇异果,一杯牛奶外加几块饼干;且看谁都挺顺眼),上来涂两笔。上午开会我的任务被详细 划出,并且。。指正了上一个项目的差错。。当四个人指出一个人的失误是可怕的,但是我天生皮厚 。况且我已经做到自己应该做的。不是说尽力了就好的嘛。明天继续pb的实战。唔,去睡觉了。