
Hey,Life is not whole about work

尽管早已经知道这样的安排,但是当最终结果公布的那瞬间,还是感到有点失落。说完全不在乎失去的机会怎么可能,我只能告诉自己最理性的分析,并且告诫自己,你不是也早已预测到了吗?唉,人怎么这样自相矛盾,能预测到结果又开始讨厌这样的尘埃落定。不过睡一觉,明天应该没有问题 ,某些烦恼于我还算来去匆匆。
Although I 've guessed that, but I've also hoped the oppsite.Sometimes, the future is interesting only becos it is an big X

3 条评论:

  1. I kind of love your words, so maybe, I could make you my friend?

  2. Glad to know u, and do you have a place to let me know about u?:)

  3. yeah, and, maybe the place couldn't get us to know each other very well, so do u have some QQ thing?
