blue1989:梦的飘动,Sylvain Chauveau
本人从没有看过村上春树、米兰昆德拉,也不喜欢fiona apple(我不觉得音乐做的不中听就算作另类美感),所以和路过的很多人完全不是一个路线。
图片上是mina 12月份的封面。因为看到这张很漂亮所以二话没说就买了。仿若受伤的表情和冬天的毛毛的小碎发,还有明快的眼睛。。招人喜欢。杂志的封面太重要了。。
We call them user requirements?
The communcation after the software developed is all about how to make users know that we are the most professional ,and we will tell them what to do from A to Z.But the reality is sadly on the oppsite.Everytime the programmers just go to the client and come back with a lot of modification requirements,or somewhat we call it user requirements."I want it to be done like this here..""If i could do on this way..."In front of the clients ,they become some kind of recorder machine. Yes, I know user is the god, but does God realy need a computer to help his work?Or he just wants to use a computer to make his job more fashion instead of more efficient.The over-emphasis on the usesr side ,also makes software testing an uncomplete work.It goes well if we use our methods to use our software,but it may have kinds of problems if we do it unregularly. We seldom think about what should be the operation rights of users and what should be the software rules.
OK ,back to the user requirements,in my opinion,this is the one of the most misunderstood and abusive phrase in the software project.However,who holds the money who has the rules...this is what it actually be in this werid world.
继上周身份证遗失之后,又没了钱包。基本上本人已经没有什么可以丢了,除了我自己。加之家事不顺,处于一触即发的爆炸状态。而当洗澡的时候那千年不摘的项链掉落在一片泡沫中的时候,我绝望又高兴地想:如果顺着下水道下去了我这周可就彻底“圆满”了。可是到底还给了我一线生机,匆忙中关掉水龙头仔细找找,终于在一堆泡沫中发现那个坠子。可算是小小的鼓励,让我有些明白当面对a mess的时候需要的是冷静下来去慢慢地找出头绪,一件一件地如叠衣服般细致地做好。
而丢失钱包的这几天,深刻体会到上层建筑依附于经济基础的这一原理。为了精神食粮,我必须得让自己活着。因此我选择物质食粮。Bread or die,除此以外的根本在这个选择题里排不上号。而这一状态将持续到下月把一切证件信用卡补办好为止,那么让我们简单生活吧。Be nice,stay at home....
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing lasts forever
Live before it gets too late
Fr:Kan Ye West《Addiction》
[Digest]The Torture Garden(秘密花园)
I love you ,Mum
Music Drowner
If the music can’t change your life to be better or worse,then why do you listen to it?
We search the songs from all over the world ,we see names of different bands,we listen to several new albumns in a week,but we still find there are no songs to listen when you exactly need it to echo our mind.Years ago,we used to let music speak out our mind ,when we are sad or happy.but yesterday when I reorder my itunes playlist ,some songs lost its impression to me.And at that time, I find myself drop into a weriod circle: The flood of music everyday will possibly drown me down .This for today ,and tomorrow is another .Some are quite attracting ,but I have no more time to listen for more times,cause it’s the time for the new albumn.I miss the old days ,when I listen to one albumn for many times ,and I remember the tiny sounds in it.In that times ,we can have something called “classical” .
We always said that music can purify your mind.But times changes ,with the technology development in this field , you have too many ways to gain lots of songs ,videos and other staff related to music.I wonder if we can settle down ?Why we always say that the modern bands can’t play as much important role as the bands who we call great bands in the last century .Because once a new band rise up, you find it ,you listen it ,maybe you like it ,on the same time ,there are other great music of your favor too,so you turn to find more bands music like that,and after several months,maybe a month ,you forget it..It’s a hrd time for the bands to keep living ,but it’s golden time for musiclovers.
Grey’s Anatomy
I’m watching this play recently,and it’s my favor.Grey’s ideas are always interesting,and so are her intern friends.Besides,Grey is also a pretty girl,I think she is much more like a model than Izzie.Izzie looks like Natalie ….I just took her as Natalie at the first sight.Izzie is a hard girl and I admire her much when she said that she paid off all the education loan by her own…George is a cute boy …er…anyway he have a baby face and easy to be connected to ….G-A-Y..poor guy…Yan is aspirant.Sometimes she is rather snorty,but as the play goes on,she changes too.Anyway,I don’t like Alex at all…-_-!
My tips about interview
Q:What's your main job now?
It's a primary question.Prepared before the interview and make an outline of your working flow.
when you answer the question ,remember to be simple and orderable.If he ask you the details ,tell more and what's important ,let the interviewer feel that you are working hard and efficient.
Q:Why do you think you are the right person of this job?(or What's your strong point?)
First,i have the professional background ,and my current job is also about XXX.
Second,I'm a quick -learning person.Given the chance ,I can ensure get command of it in the shortest time.
Third,the job is attracting and full of challenges.So I appreciate this opportunity very much.And as I know,your company is the best in this area.So working with excellent people here will certainly enhance my overall ability.
Orderable and clear is the first point you reach and sharp in certain degree,but don't be too proud of yourself.You can make some other sentences and of course you would get the best effect.Because if you write it ,you will remember it.
Q:Do you ever think about your future in the next few years?(or What do you want to be in the following years?)
Future Objective:
I want to be an expert in this area ,and gain more profit fo the company too,we can call it win-win choice,for both the indivudal and the enterprise.
Q:What's your expecting salary?
As the salary is relative to the job responsiblity,and apparently,it's an important position.So I'd like to say my expecting salary is no less than 4000,and of course,I will show you that you have pay the worth.
Q:Do you have any question about me?
Don't say:I have no question.Because it will make the interviewer think you're lazy person on the question asking.Ask 1~2 questions,even some information you've know,such as :Can I know more about the job's responsibility?
Remember: don't sit too close with the interview,and that's my pain experience,cos they will give you a invisible pressure that will affect your performance ,and try not to sit back to the outside ,or you will be thrown into the unknown world .
That's all.I hope it can be something useful for you ,and welcome share some advices of yours with me ...
It's hard to reach here,for many proxy ,none of which seems have any use.And the access speed is too slow to wait for a snail.:(I had to use it at morning...when the speed takes a little quickly
I'm fine ...just don't want to sleep ,and the strange mood is begining from the day when the weather gets warmer.I hate this feel.I want sleep..I don't want to face the truth :I'm sleepless....-_-!!!!
I will choose another time these days to post some rich content.Not now.I will go to work...