Finally ,my conclusion is :People should not be given too much choices.
When I got bored of lots of free blog sites ,even many of which are quite well with sufficent blog functions,I decides to buy a payed space to set up my own blog ,but things don't take on my way.First,I built 2 blogs ,respectively bblog and wordpress,and I planned it well .Wp's blog will be my main blog site for quite formal things i want to log,and another which was designed to be a rather old-times style will be my daily dirts container.But I like my past blog at blogspot!!So after a few weeks ,I picked here up and tranfer the log to my space ,avoiding awful access problem(also why i left here few weeks ago.)
So I'm back!!A weido with 3 blog now!God bless me to have enough things to write.
BTW:I will use WB Editor to write my log on this one, considering it's code supporting problem ,I will use my poor Eng to writer here,just take it as an Eng Exercise.KAKAKA...