User rquirement does not always stand for the rightness of the software system.As we place more and more emphasis on the user accessibilty,we just lost the principia of ourselves.Every sytem has its own operation rules ,no matter how huge or small it is.To be a person who deals with computer software,you should make the client to understand that if Microsoft OS can ask them to follow certain steps and rules to operate their computer ,or they will get it a mess,then they should also follow ours.
The communcation after the software developed is all about how to make users know that we are the most professional ,and we will tell them what to do from A to Z.But the reality is sadly on the oppsite.Everytime the programmers just go to the client and come back with a lot of modification requirements,or somewhat we call it user requirements."I want it to be done like this here..""If i could do on this way..."In front of the clients ,they become some kind of recorder machine. Yes, I know user is the god, but does God realy need a computer to help his work?Or he just wants to use a computer to make his job more fashion instead of more efficient.The over-emphasis on the usesr side ,also makes software testing an uncomplete work.It goes well if we use our methods to use our software,but it may have kinds of problems if we do it unregularly. We seldom think about what should be the operation rights of users and what should be the software rules.
OK ,back to the user requirements,in my opinion,this is the one of the most misunderstood and abusive phrase in the software project.However,who holds the money who has the rules...this is what it actually be in this werid world.